Collosseum Theater Essen / Stage Entertainment
Opening: 08.10.09
Blickpunkt Musical:
“A lasting impression in the new production in Essen is left not only by the great young musicians but also by Christoph Weyers' ingenious stage design, which is not merely decorative but functional. The centrepiece is a black turntable with a tone arm that becomes a radio for the presenter. Inside the upright record is Norman Petty's recording studio. At the front left end, a door flips out of the stage set's juke box and Buddy Holly can change in his dressing room. Later, the wall with the songs and artists on the juke box takes on the function of a fixed curtain and the turntable the function of a revolving stage, separating stage and backstage in the scene in the Appolo Theatre, for example.”
“A big plus of the production is the new set design by Christoph Weyers, perfectly lit by Andrew Voller. The action takes place in an oversized jukebox, the revolving stage is the turntable, on the tone arm is the studio of Hipocket's Duncan. After the break, the jukebox transforms into a visually opulent surf ballroom with a quirky Hawaiian look. The recording studio of Norman Petty with the oversized single ‘That'll be the day’ as a back wall is also well solved.”
Ruhr Nachrichten:
“Buddy -the Buddy Holly Story is not a classic musical, but rather a rock ‘n’ roll show of superlatives. Christoph Weyers has created a surprising stage design for this production that has it all: Whether it’s a giant record with a giant pickup floating onto the stage during the play or recreating the plush Appolo Theatre in Harlem, the sets are simply grandly realised.”
Stadtspiegel Essen:
“[...] and all this in a grandiose jukebox setting that would have deserved a special award on its own.”